Home » Valves & Fittings » Overfill Protection ValvesModel 39 - UST Overfill ValvePrevents overfills and fuel spillage when fueling underground tanks, which reduces the risk of fire, conttamination, and costly clean up. Only Universal has one moving part to eliminate any line shock. This valve is designed to shut off gradually when the fuel reaches a pre-determined level, preventing line shock during gravity drops. When there's no line shock, there's no stress put on the system.Application -Prevents overfills and fuel spillage when fueling underground tanks, which reduces the risk of fire, contamination, and costly clean up.Features -✔ Faster deliveries with less restriction✔ Only one moving part✔ Easily retro-fitted in existing tanks✔ Completely automatic operation✔ Easy field installation without breaking ground✔ Enables manual gauging of tank✔ No minimum flow rate required for shut offConstruction -• Cast aluminum body• Stainless steel shaft• Aluminum internal components• Reinforced closed cell float• Spring steel pre-trip mechanism• Thrust bearing• Teflon washerSales SheetPrice: $0.00 39 Please Select...-04 -0508 -0710 -T -TXL Tweet« Previous | Next »